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Levende Steen Ministries, the place for you to be built up. And even better. A place where you can help build the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. With the keys Faith, the Bible and your relationship with the Holy Spirit you too can be victorious and make an impact in your life and of others. This is a lifestyle. Curious for more? Take a look around and find us on our social media channels. You can also find us at various locations in the Netherlands and we would love to meet you sometime.
Are you visiting one of our locations for the first time? Then please look out for our I AM NEW corner. Our co-builders are available for all your questions and are pleased to help you on your way.

About us
About Living Stone Ministries
We are Levende Steen Ministries! For 30 years a multicultural church community that proclaims the message of the full gospel.
You can find us on television, social media, via our website and of course at one of our nine locations. Faith is life! This is about practice what you preach! This is a lifestyle with a real relationship with the Holy Spirit. Praise and worship is not just about songs, music, singing and dancing, but EVERY form in which a person invests in the Kingdom with time, means and talents.
Every person is unique and is welcome! All those different 'stones' make The Structure with Jesus Christ as the Cornerstone. 1 Peter 2:4 and 5:
“Join him, the living stone rejected by men, but chosen by God for his preciousness, and let yourselves also be used as living stones for the building of a spiritual temple. Form a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
For the happiest youngest to the lifewise elderly. Meet our Powerpacked kids, teens and youth Meet others, make friends and build together identity in Christ.
We proudly introduce you to our coffee club, 35+ group and seniors. They have special meetings and activities on a regular base especially for you. Find us every week on Dutch National television channel SBS6, and via satellite TV on GODtv and FaithTV.
With your support we reach thousands and thousands of people. Every month we support our partners around the world. Children's homes, housing, evangelism. You don't build alone, we do it together. Everyone can contribute and we are happy to do so with you. Together we help you on your journey in building the Kingdom. LSM Academy.
Follow our bible courses through our electronic learning environment. But most important; we are here for you. God loves people, so we love people.
Our history
Levende Steen Ministries is founded in 1993 by Edgar Holder, our senior pastor and apostle. He started small in Schiedam, the Netherlands with about 600 men.
We housed for years on the Posweg in Hoogvliet, the Netherlands. In 1996, Levende Steen Ministries started TV productions for regional and national television channels.
Apostle Holder's vision to build a brand new Church for the Kingdom of Christ was realized in 2013; THE DOME in Spijkenisse. This was the ultimate teamwork between the congregation and the Holy Spirit. Our building is a true miracle and statement for Gods glory!
Since then we have grown explosively and we offer a house and home to approximately 4000 members. The first campuses opened in 2016; location Zoetermeer, Terneuzen (Hulst) and Breda.
We now have nine locations spread across the middle and south of the Netherlands. What was is just a stepping stone for what will be. We are ready for the furture!
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